The Wonderful Ways of Mr Wizard
See bottom of the page for final images!

For my final major project I created a children's book and short trailer stop-motion animation. The book has been created using stop-motion puppets and sets which I have photographed to create 3D illustrations. The story is about two characters, a wizard and an elf, who go on an adventure through a magical woodlands to gather ingredients for a potion. Throughout their journey we get an insight into The Wonderful Ways of Mr Wizard, the wizard has many challenges to overcome. At the end of the book it is revealed that the wizard has dementia and this explains why he has been acting differently. The book explains dementia and can help both children and parents alike to understand the disease, in a way that is sensitive and accurate to many of those who have dementia. The story is magical with an unexpected ending, this means that you see the person first, before the dementia. My aim is to spread awareness around dementia and to make it easier to start a conversation between children and parents alike. The wizard is portrayed positively to remove negative stigmas attached to the disease, yet keeping the elements within the story true to life using metaphorical elements.
Character designs

Concept Art

An Explainer Video/ Kickstarter
Final Puppets

Trailer Animation
Some Close-up images of the Kitchen Set
Some examples of a finished page inside the book!